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Vehicle Type Classification

Color and Number Assignment Method of Current Vehicle Types
Vehicle Type License Plate Color Code or Number Code or Number (new type)
Tour Bus Red background with white letters First two and last three digits
(or first three and last two digits)
First three and last three digits
Large commercial passenger motor vehicle Green background with white letters
Large commercial truck for goods (including freight tractor)
Small commercial truck
Commercial freight tractor
Small commercial passenger vehicle White background with red letters
Large private trucks for goods (including private freight tractor) White Background with green
Large private passenger motor vehicle
Commercial tow truck Green background with white letters First two and last two digits
(Cannot process report*Note 1)
First two and last three digits
Private tow truck White background with green
Small private passenger vehicle White background with black letters First two and last four digits
(or first four and last two digits)
First three and last four digits
Small rental trucks
Commuter vehicle Yellow background with black First two and last three digits
(or first three and last two digits)
First three and last three digits
Small light-duty motorcycle White background with red letters First three and last three digits First three and last four digits
Light-duty motorcycle Green background with white letters
Original heavy-duty motorcycle White background with black letters
Large heavy-duty motorcycle Yellow background with black
550cc and above Large heavy-duty motorcycle Front Red background with white letters First two and last two digits First two and last three digits
Note 1 : Commercial and private tow trucks are classified as drays and are not self-propelled , therefore they are not considered mobile pollution sources under the Air Pollution Act. Reports of these vehicles cannot be processed.

Resources from:Directorate General of Highways,M.O.T.C.




550cc and above Large heavy-duty motorcycle

550cc and above Large heavy-duty motorcycle

Largel passenger motor vehicle

Largel passenger motor vehicle

Large truck

Large truck

Small passenger vehicle

Small passenger vehicle

Small truck

Small truck

Last updated:2025/3/14